- Teacher: Riana Beachy-Hasenick
- Teacher: Elliot Campbell
- Teacher: Dan Davis
- Teacher: Daniel Davis
- Teacher: Liam Moran
- Teacher: Liam Moran
- Teacher: Mike Savage
- Teacher: Ariel White
DEV Moodle LTI
Available courses
- Teacher: Liam Moran
- Teacher: Liam Moran
- Teacher: Riana Beachy-Hasenick
- Teacher: Liam Moran
- Teacher: Riana Beachy-Hasenick
- Teacher: Elliot Campbell
- Teacher: Liam Moran
- Teacher: Mike Savage
- Teacher: Ariel White
- Teacher: Riana Beachy-Hasenick
- Teacher: Kerry Butson
- Teacher: Elliot Campbell
- Teacher: Hyun Eun Choi
- Teacher: SU-Amanda Covher
- Teacher: Daniel Davis
- Teacher: Mathew Ishaq
- Teacher: Alli Kirshenbaum
- Teacher: Lyne Levesque
- Teacher: Liam Moran
- Teacher: Mark A. Reynolds
- Teacher: Michelle Rome
- Teacher: Mike Savage
- Teacher: Andrew Stengele
- Teacher: Ariel White
- Teacher: Konstantinos Yfantis
- Teacher: Riana Beachy-Hasenick
- Teacher: Daniel Davis
- Teacher: Liam Moran
Cognitive Psych
Cognitive Psych
- Teacher: Riana Beachy-Hasenick
- Teacher: Daniel Davis
- Teacher: Gosha Nikiforov
- Teacher: Riana Beachy-Hasenick
- Teacher: Daniel Davis
- Teacher: Liam Moran
- Teacher: Riana Beachy-Hasenick
- Teacher: Kerry Butson
- Teacher: Hyun Eun Choi
- Teacher: SU-Amanda Covher
- Teacher: Daniel Davis
- Teacher: Mathew Ishaq
- Teacher: Alli Kirshenbaum
- Teacher: Lyne Levesque
- Teacher: Liam Moran
- Teacher: Mark A. Reynolds
- Teacher: Michelle Rome
- Teacher: Andrew Stengele
- Teacher: Konstantinos Yfantis
- Teacher: Riana Beachy-Hasenick
- Teacher: Kerry Butson
- Teacher: Hyun Eun Choi
- Teacher: SU-Amanda Covher
- Teacher: Daniel Davis
- Teacher: Mathew Ishaq
- Teacher: Alli Kirshenbaum
- Teacher: Lyne Levesque
- Teacher: Liam Moran
- Teacher: Liam Moran
- Teacher: Mark A. Reynolds
- Teacher: Michelle Rome
- Teacher: Andrew Stengele
- Teacher: Konstantinos Yfantis
- Teacher: Riana Beachy-Hasenick
- Teacher: Daniel Davis
- Teacher: Liam Moran
- Teacher: Gosha Nikiforov
- Teacher: Riana Beachy-Hasenick
- Teacher: Kerry Butson
- Teacher: Hyun Eun Choi
- Teacher: SU-Amanda Covher
- Teacher: Daniel Davis
- Teacher: Mathew Ishaq
- Teacher: Alli Kirshenbaum
- Teacher: Lyne Levesque
- Teacher: Liam Moran
- Teacher: Liam Moran
- Teacher: Gosha Nikiforov
- Teacher: Mark A. Reynolds
- Teacher: Michelle Rome
- Teacher: Andrew Stengele
- Teacher: Konstantinos Yfantis
- Teacher: Riana Beachy-Hasenick
- Teacher: Kerry Butson
- Teacher: Elliot Campbell
- Teacher: Hyun Eun Choi
- Teacher: Eric Claypool
- Teacher: SU-Amanda Covher
- Teacher: Dan Davis
- Teacher: Daniel Davis
- Teacher: Mathew Ishaq
- Teacher: Alli Kirshenbaum
- Teacher: Lyne Levesque
- Teacher: Liam Moran
- Teacher: Liam Moran
- Teacher: Gosha Nikiforov
- Teacher: Mark A. Reynolds
- Teacher: Michelle Rome
- Teacher: Mike Savage
- Teacher: Andrew Stengele
- Teacher: Ariel White
- Teacher: Konstantinos Yfantis
ATLAS Online Course Template
Special Topics
This course will introduce students to the pillars of collaborative methodologies. More than a set
of proscriptive methods we will learn and discuss critical anthropological methods of participant
observation and associated informal dialogues in collaboration.
We will study techniques for planning and carrying out such research, recording,
checking validity and reliability, storing, coding, analyzing, and writing up of ethnographic data.
Students will undertake a collaborative research project and become familiar with basic ethical
issues, informed consent, writing a collaborative proposal, formulating research contracts, and
sharing results with research partners and key stakeholders.
Nonetheless, this semester we put to work some of the precepts of engaged anthropology via a collaborative project with Pixan Konob' and the Champaign language access county project. You will find the details of this project in a separate document and on Moodle. This collaboration will entail that you participate in some activities outside class hours and outside university grounds. We will
Nonetheless, this semester we put to work some of the precepts of engaged anthropology via a collaborative project with Pixan Konob' and the Champaign language access county project. You will find the details of this project in a separate document and on Moodle. This collaboration will entail that you participate in some activities outside class hours and outside university grounds. We will
Intro Psych
- Teacher: Liam Moran
ATLAS Online Course Template
ATLAS Online Course Template
Special Topics
ATLAS Online Course Template
- Teacher: Kerry Butson